lørdag den 23. juli 2011

Inden afrejse - lige en række råd til jer ;)

Dette er råd givet af det bureau jeg rejser til Australien med:

1. If i don't phone every day/week it's probably just because I am having fun!
2. The internet and phone lines may not always be 100% reliable where I'm going, so I may not be able to contact you at times. There's nothing wrong with me, I just can't get the phone line to connect.
3. If I am on a different time zone to you it's even harder to get you at the right time. 
4. Yes I have got my imodium and hydration sachets, so won't suffer from dehydration!
5. I have copies of all my important documents online and I have left copies with you just in case.
6. I have read up on the country that I am going to and the programme I am doing and know what to expect. I have printed off the important details for you too.
7. I have emergency contact details in each country, plus I have Real Gap's 24-hour number if I need them. You can also phone this number, but remember it's an emergency line for them to help me if I need them urgently... not an "I've got my knickers in a knot over nothing and can't sleep at 3 in the morning" line!
8. No, I won't ever be without accomodation and sleeping rough with no money! If something happens and I need help, Real Gap have contacts in each country.
9. If I need medical treatment whilst I am away, don't panic! They do have doctors around the world and I don't need to be flown home just because I have a tummy ache.
10. I am having a great time but of course I will miss you!

Real Gaps telefonnummer er (+612) 9365 2088 ;-)

2 kommentarer:

  1. Dine råd er lort :D jeg skal nok stalke dig, og skrive - OG FORVENTE at du svarer tilbage <3

  2. hey! mine råd er helt fine :)
